Online Play Reading
During the pandemic, though we could not be together, we tried our best to sprinkle the joy of theatre around.
Nothing can equal the experience that a staged performance gives, but we artists tried to keep ourselves motivated and adapted to the situation. With the idea of bringing entertainment to the convenience of your homes.
English Made Simple
English made simple written by David Ives is an extremely wordy romantic comedy full of twists and turns. A young man and woman meet at a party, and their immediate romantic attraction is translated into comically unromantic grammar lessons.

Trifles written by Susan Glaspell subtly exposes the sexual prejudices in society. It throws light on the ability of one to minimise the value and validity of women. Trifles, as the word suggests are something of very little value or importance, something that one wouldn’t pay much heed to.
It paints a heart-breaking picture of one woman’s lonely life in an isolated farmhouse but it is not just one woman’s story as it symbolises the struggle of all women.
Although the play ends without a legitimate verdict, it is valid to assume that the woman reached their own verdict, leaving the audience to decide who the victim is.
Marriage Proposal
Marriage proposal written by Anton Chekhov is a comic take on The approach to marriage.
It is a satire that exposes the greed of man

A play which shows the origin of the Trojan war. The Trojan war is one of the most important events in Greek mythology and has been narrated through many works of Greek literature. It all started with this gift called the Apple of Discord, from Goddess Eris, which was a golden apple with the words, “for the fairest” inscribed on it.
Not too long after the apple was thrown, Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera began to fight about who should have the apple. Zeus was unable to decide by himself, so he sent the goddesses to Paris, the prince of Troy, to decide. Paris was unable to make a decision, so the goddesses started to bribe him. First, Hera offered to grant him political power and a throne if he were to choose her; then, Athena offered him wisdom and skills in battle; finally, Aphrodite promised Paris the most beautiful woman in the world, Helena of Sparta. Without batting an eyelash, Paris chooses Aphrodite.
However, Helena was already married to Menelaus, the king of Sparta. So, Paris, under the disguise of a diplomatic mission, went to Sparta.