Who We Are?
about us
Arena Theatre Productions Bangalore is committed to creating a community that deeply values and draws strength from the art of theatre. `
The impact of theatre is both powerful and immediate, Arena theatre productions envisions to produce work for audiences of all ages that inspires understanding, empathy, laughter, wonder and excitement. We believe that arts, and theatre in particular, can bridge division between cultures. We aim to produce work that provokes thought, fosters dialogue and prompts action.
Arts is an exceptional space for expressing and experiencing the full measure of what it is to be human. We advocate for the arts in all our lives.

Our vision is to establish a vibrant and a diverse community where every individual is inspired to reach their full potential without any barriers.
We want to celebrate our differences and honour the commitment that we have made to ourselves and to the art and to engage in constructive and creative self-expression.
Our Mission is to pursue innovation in every aspect of our work in order to challenge, expand the limits of our collective imagination and to embrace discomfort in all its complexity.

Arena Theatre Productions was established on 01-04-2021.
Tahera, the founder of Arena Theatre Productions started this company to create a community that deeply values and draws strength from the art of theatre.
Tahera has worked as a Director, Actor, Stage Manager, and Lead producer at various theatre productions in Bangalore, a Voice coach at Live Wires Media Institute, and Theatre Coach at KAFQA Academy and Chrysallis High School.
She has conducted many workshops on Voice, acting and personality development for Individuals and Corporates.




Vaishnavi Alva
Production Executive

Sardar Fazalulla Khan
Production Manager

Nishitha Sudershan
Production Head